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Empowering Women One Degree At a Time

WEDC Foundation

The WEDC Foundation continues empowering women, one degree at a time, as a devoted non-profit in Huntsville, AL. Organizations that bridge the gap and uplift low-income community members are a beacon of hope. As a dedicated non-profit, we are proud to join in sharing our story and impact on the Huntsville community as part of #ShareYourStory


Empowering Women

Education and opportunities should not be limited, and at the WEDC Foundation, we have an unwavering commitment to fostering a supportive environment for women. We invite you to see how the work of our organization has transformed the lives of women seeking higher education and professional growth.

Inspiring Women

Our 60-second video for #ShareYourStoryHSV captures the essence of the WEDC Foundation's mission: empowering women to achieve their dreams of a better life for themselves and their families by investing in their pursuit of higher education. These women have risen above adversity to reach for their dreams, thanks to financial assistance, professional development experiences, and mentoring relationships provided.

Supporting Women

Through the support of women in leadership roles and sponsors, the WEDC Foundation breaks down barriers that would otherwise hinder these women from pursuing career growth and education. With professional development experiences, these women gain skills, knowledge, guidance, and connections that open the doors to opportunity. With advice and encouragement, our mentoring relationships provide the necessary support for these women to thrive.

Spreading Hope

The WEDC Foundation's #ShareYourStoryHSV is more than a video– it's about joining a movement that uplifts the community. Our priority is to be advocates for change and spread hope to empower women in Huntsville.

Every voice matters, and the WEDC Foundation amplifies the voices of our community's women, each filled with potential and perseverance. We invite you to witness the impact of our #ShareYourStoryHSV video and be a part of a journey that transforms lives.

Join the WEDC Foundation in celebrating the courage and resilience of Huntsville's women and empowering them to achieve their dreams for a brighter future!

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